
Showing posts from June, 2019

An introduction of sorts

A) bio/profile/intro 1) Who are YOU?  (Your DES Major Study/Emphasis/Concentration; Interests; etc…) I am an Industrial Design student graduation at the end of the course. I want to focus of designing physical products preferable in the soft goods/outdoor markets. My interests are spending time outdoors hiking, rock climbing, camping. I am passionate about art and art history. I also enjoy riding and maintaining motorcycles.  2) What Inspires/”WOWs” YOU? (provide an “inspirational” Quote) Art inspires me. A mountain top inspires me.  Inclusion inspires me. People feeling comfortable enough to fully express themselves inspires me. On that note, a great bottle of wine, a long run and really insightful design also do the trick.  Less but better. - Deiter Rams 3) Who, or What are your influences? Reinhold Messner, Yvon Chouinard, John Muir, Tenzing Norgay, Ueli Steck,  Mark Rothko, Joseph Albers, Cy Twombly, Ellsworth Kelly, George Condo, Egon Schiele, Eugene Delacroix ,  Ed